It's always our interest to solve the technical issues faced by our
customers. Interestingly we received this inquiry (not related to our product
anyway) from one of our customers, complaining to us that his window media
player could not not play mpg or mpeg files. There was sound, but the picture quality was so
bad. He searched through the web, did all kinds of staff, as advised, but could
not find the solution. We are glad that we were able to help him out.
We believe there must be quite a number of people out there having this same
problem. So, we decided to create this web page to help..... just a part of
our community service to contribute to the growing of the internet.
1. Close all software programes.
2. Open the window media player (version 9, 10 etc.) and play a mpeg file
in small window.
3. Right click on the desktop screen, then click on "Property", then click
on "Settings", then click on "Advance" button, then click on "S3Overlay". Click
on "Default" button or change the setting as you wish. Finally click on "Apply"
button, then click "OK" to close the display properties window.
4. Your window media player should be working now.
If the above method cannot solve your problem, or if your system does not
allow you to do so. You can try solution no. 2 below.
1. Open the window media player and play a mpeg file in small window.
2. Right click on the media player, then click "Option...", then click
"Performance", then click on "Advance..." button. Check the "Use high quality
mode" option. Click on "OK" button, then click "Apply", click "Yes". Finally
click on "OK" button to close the Option window.
3. Your window media player should be working now.
Hope you find these informations helpful. Feel free to share with your
friends. And finally..... enjoy your videos!!